Wednesday 17 April 2013


10 April 2013

by Jackson

Definition of leadership:
what piece of advice would you give the world if you had if you had the chance.
The action of leading a group of people.
Learners,world explorers, inventors, and teachers, enlightened people. They give hope to society by forging their own path and creating enlightenment
They inspire people to inspire others to lead on
The people we are talking about what do they have in common ?.A dream.  As thomas edison said
"Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work."

They work hard to get to where they are so the get with their dream.They forge their dream
add and add on more to make it big.Even the smallest thing are greater than anything big.
The are well known leaders as Abraham Lincoln who freed  the slaves of america , Sir edmund hillary how climbed a mountain that was unclimbable.
if you were a leader what would you do. What would be your venture
Thomas edison who made the more    accessible  light bulb.
They all had a dream and the ran with it.  
They just ran and ran and ran ,they tripped and fell over but never ever never gave up .They had men and they sacrificed himself for there leader.

In their death  they lived with their leader and cared on to the top of the mountain the king of the hill
How did so few people inspired so many
there was a chance they held on they were going so high the broke the clouds and into space and shed their light.
who knows?
you could bring light to those in the dark.
you could be next person in the stars of stardom.
leadership provides an inspirational figure to lead groups of people towards great accomplishments. To the world great your life is for living on the edge they can so can you get are life out there.There are thing to be found.

definition of leadership (google search, ninja word)
why is leaderhip important:

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