Thursday 22 September 2011

It's our assembly tomorrow!

Like it? Create your own at It's free and fun!

If you can make it, we'd love to see you at school at 9am.


  1. Hi Hub3 ,I really enjoyed your assembly this morning, I enjoyed learning about the colours and see which colours some of you are. Maybe you could make a quizz on the blog so people who follow your blog can see which colour they are; wouldn't it be fun to see which colour your parents are! I thought Maddy did a fantastic job speaking about the SPCA, and how great was it that the dogs came to help collect the SPCA cupcake day money :) Maddy keep up the good work with the public speaking, you will be used to it in no time at all if you practise lots!

  2. cool video miss Holland thank you for teaching us
    go animate


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