Sunday, 20 November 2011

Take a look at this image!

This is one of the most tweeted images this week (by @AmoreTiffany) - it shows how someone who has a relatively small following (at the time under 1000 people) can get their message (or in this case, image) out into the world.  Don't ever feel like you're not well-known enough to make a difference in the world!

What feelings does this image invoke in you?  How does it make you feel?


  1. That's a very sad photo to me It shows people growing old and dieing. Quite sad.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. This photo is happy to me but at the same time sad. This is because when I look at it in a happy perspective I can see people growing up together and spending the rest of there lives together . Then if you put it in a sad perspective then you mite see people growing old and dieing. So you can see it in both perspectives.

  4. This photo makes me happy, but then I turn sad as they have both past away

  5. at the end sad because they are both dead and the tree is also dead.

  6. it also makes me happy

  7. Wow you guys are amazing I like how the boy loved his wife so much that when she died he sat next to her and when he died his stone was next to hers. I liked how the story moved with the tree as well. It was very calming but it was very sad to.
    well done though


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