Thursday, 18 August 2011

Working together - Marble Roll



  1. That was really fun for today. But It was better when you had to be quite but when the marble dropped we just had to talk .We had to concentrate on the marble because if we dropped it we had to start again. But besides that it was really fun.

    Thank you Miss H and Miss s

  2. I think this marble activity was hard because we couldent communicate to each other, and it was hard because the marble would somtimes go really fast down the pipes.

  3. It was super fun doing the marble thingy! Although it was a little hard not being able to commuacate! but we still managed to get the marble in the box!

  4. It was fun trying to get the marble in the box and that my group had to slow down a bit and thats why I didnt get in the box so fast.We had to coomunicate with our team members and thought that the marble was some money and it keeped on going until we had got it.

  5. I really injoyed doing this activity, I think that it was harder to concentrate when we were all talking but when we all had to be quite it was easier to do. I liked working with my group and I was happy when we got the marbill into the box. It goes to show that when we all work together it really does make a difference and if we can get that marbill into the box we can make a difference in society.

  6. I really enjoyed this activity, it showed us all how well we work when we collaborate. It was hard when the marble dropped but thats the whole point: You could have never done it on your own but when we work as a team the effect is much bigger and brighter, It may take a long time but it's worth it.In my opinion, it was much easier when we couldn't communicate because no one was shouting at eachother. What really mattered was the end and getting the marble in the box, but to us Making a difference in society is what really matters. (Fatima)

  7. how fun is that

  8. Miss Smerdon asked Maddy to get the marble in the box with out moving her legs or throwing the marbil but she couldent do it by herself. When we worked as a team it made it a lot esier. We talked about can you make more of a difference in society by yourself or all together. We desided that together we can make a difference!!!!!!

  9. it was really hard to get it in the box we had to try about 5 times and once we almost had it. it landed 1 cm away from the box!

  10. That was so fun yesterday When I first saw everyone doing it I thought it was going to be very easy but when i got into it it was very difficult cause we always had to be connected and when the marble finished rolling down my pipe I had to run to the other end and get it again. Everyone in our team listened to each others ideas and suggestions. and we communicated really well together as a team.

  11. it felt great when the marble fell into the bucket
    because we had to work as a team and when we got the marble in the bucket we jumped and said brake though. from tobias

  12. I really enjoyed doing the activity and thought that it is important to work as a team and collaborate with others, because when you work as a team you can make a really big difference!!!

  13. It was hard when we tried to get it in without talking or making sounds.
    When we finally got it in we all had the sense of achievement when we finally did it.

  14. I really felt great about the marble challenge to get the marble in to the box. It was very hard to get the marble into the box without talking. When we finally did it I knew our working together had helped alot to get the ball into the box.

  15. it was hard because we keeped on dropping the mar ball but we wore determined

  16. It is better working in a team then working on your own,because it's easier to get the job done.

  17. That was so fun, when maddy did it first, Miss Smerdon told her to get it in the box without moving her feet and throwing it. The box was far away so itwas impossible for her. Then we tried it with a group and we realised it would be better if we were in a group. Hana said taht if it was only one person we couldn't make much of a difference but with more people we could make a difference.

  18. I liked the way everyone worked together. I also liked how Fatima showed leadership to the group.


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