Monday, 8 August 2011

S.P.C.A cupcake day!!!!

On the 5th of August it was breakthrough day in Learning Hub 3. This term we're focusing on helping charities. Whare toru IS MAD (Hub 3 In Society, Making A Difference) is the title of our main learning this term.

We decided to help the SPCA by contributing to their cupcake day. We decided that instead of just selling them at school, to think bigger!! So today at morning tea and lunch time we phoned up Animates on Lunn Ave (our closest pet store) and we asked them if we could sell our cupcakes outside their shop.

They said yes!!! It makes us feel special and excited that we are able to sell our cupcakes up there, because we'll be able to sell them in a bigger environment than school. Also, pet lovers will be going into Animates and we thought they'd especially love to help the SPCA! So they will buy our cupcakes.

The cupcake day is Monday 29 August so keep keep reading the blog because we'll put our poster on when we know the times we'll be there. We need to do some research to find out the best times to be there.

We can't wait!

By Dani and Alex


  1. I think that is such a great idea and I would love to help as much as I can.

  2. Wow that is a awesome idea guys Happy to help as much as possible!!!

  3. I think that is such a good idea, I would love to join if I can. I might think about what kind of cupcakes I might make.

  4. Great to hear that you are getting involved with the SPCA Cupcake Day on August 29th. I love your 'think big' initiative and that you have connected with Animates to help sell your cupcakes. Clever thinking! Sounds like you will be a good contender for the most cupcakes baked and/or most money raised prize categories on the website. Please feel free to contact me if you would like to learn more about SPCA Auckland education or for support for your cupcake day fundraiser on (09) 256 7312 or

    Kind Regards
    Haley Easterbrook
    SPCA Auckland
    Education Manager


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